Ioannis Sfontouris M.Med.Sci, PhD

Topic: Advanced methods of sperm selection: IMSI, MACS, microfluidics

I am an ESHRE-certified Senior Clinical Embryologist and Director of Embryology at Eugonia IVF Unit in Athens. I also hold the post of Honorary Assistant Professor in Clinical Embryology at the University of Nottingham. During the term 2019-2022 I serve as Coordinator of the Special Interest Group Embryology of ESHRE.

I obtained my degree in Biology in 1998 at the University of Patra, and subsequently my M.Med.Sci in ART (1999) and PhD in Reproductive Physiology (2004) at the University of Nottingham. My doctoral thesis explored the mechanisms of oocyte maturation and the interaction between the oocyte and granulosa cells during follicle development. During the same time, I trained as Clinical Embryologist at Nottingham University’s IVF Clinic Nurture.

My research focuses mainly on the optimisation of embryo culture systems, non-invasive embryo quality assessment, and aspects of reproductive endocrinology, such as ovarian stimulation protocols and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In addition, throughout my career I have been actively involved in teaching. At present, my primary teaching commitment is on the Master’s Course in Assisted Reproduction Technology of the University of Nottingham. In addition, I am regularly Invited Lecturer in several other ART Master’s Courses in the UK and Greece.